Contact ///
Project Office / Büro Philipp Oswalt /// The project office for Shrinking cities works together with external teams in carrying out the international studies and co-ordinates the work of local teams in Germany and at the three international sites. In the second phase, the project office assists the project partners with the development of interventions for eastern Germany and produces the two exhibitions in Berlin (2004) and in Leipzig (2005).
Büro Philipp Oswalt, founded in 1998, carries out a wide variety of projects and studies, often in co-operation with others.
These include the Ravensbrück Women's Concentration Camp Memorial Site (1998 competition, 1st prize / 2001 construction, with Stefan Tischer, landscape architect and Stefanie Brauer, historian), the book Berlin - City Without Form (Munich / New York 2000) and studies of urban remodelling in eastern Germany, in particular Weniger ist mehr (Less is More) for the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation (with Klaus Overmeyer and Holger Schmidt, 2001).
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Contact /// Büro Philipp Oswalt, Eisenacher Straße 74, D-10823 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 - 81 82 19 - 11, Fax +49 (0)30 - 81 82 19 - 12