You can download images for press use here. Click to enlarge first, than save with the right button of your mouse. Copyrights have to be mentioned!

Nikolas Brade, photographer, Halle
Title: "Blick über das Mansfelder Land" / "View Over the Mansfelder Land"
Photograph, 2002
(c) Nikolaus Brade
Bas Princen, photographer, Rotterdam
Title: "After Planning #3" (Ivanovo)
Photograph, color, 2003/04
(c) Bas Princen
Paul Cotter, Gareth Morris, Heidi Rustgaard, Eike Sindlinger, Ulrike Steven, and Susanne Thomas, London
Title: "COW - the udder way"
Photographs of the performance in Liverpool, 2005
(c) COW - the udder way - team
Project Office Philipp Oswalt, Berlin/Researcher Tim Rieniets, Tanja Wesse (graphics), Berlin
Title: "World Map of Shrinking Cities 1950 - 2000"
Graphics, 2006
(c) Project Office Philipp Oswalt
FLAG/Bastien Aubry, Dimitri Broquard, Zurich
No Title
Graphics, 2005
(c) FLAG
Further images /// Shrinking Cities at the Venice Biennale (c) Christoph Petras / stadtimbild
Photographs of the intervention posters (c) Tina Brüser
Photographs Halle/Leipzig (D)
Photographs Ivanovo (RUS)
Photographs Manchester/Liverpool (GB)
Photographs Detroit (USA)
Copyright (c) Shrinking Cities Project Office, Philipp Oswalt, Berlin
Poster of the international ideas competition "Reinventing Urbanism" (jpg)