Publications ///

For six years, a large number of international researchers, artists, architects, and planners addressed the topic of processes of urban shrinking in the framework of the initiative project Shrinking Cities. The results of this urbanistic culture and research project are now available in a series of print and digital publications.

To accompany the exhibitions, two books have been published that treat the theme of "Shrinking Cities" on several levels - global, mental, and cultural. Cultural processing and managing strategies stand in the center of these comprehensive publications, which grasp the challenge of shrinking cities as a design task.

The bilingual Atlas der schrumpfenden Städte/Atlas of Shrinking Cities, describes and analyzes for the first time the phenomenon globally in maps, diagrams, texts, and portraits of cities.

The digital publications Shrinking Cities: Complete Works 1+2 document the international investigation in the form of video works, research material, and the documentation of the contributions to the exhibition. Also recently published: Complete Works 3: Japan.

In the series Working Papers the results of research on Shrinking Cities are published on-line and in print-on-demand form.

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