Anne Lacaton ///
geboren 1955 in Saint Pardoux la Rivière. Architektin, Paris. 1980 Architekturdiplom an der Ecole d'Architecture de Bordeaux. 1984 DESS d'urbanisme an der Universität Bordeaux. 1987 Bürogründung mit Jean Philippe Vassal in Bordeaux. Auszeichnungen des Büros u.a. Nominierung zum "Mies van der Rohe Award 1997 - Barcelona" mit dem Projekt Universität Grenoble, Grand Prix National d'Architecture Jeune Talent des Kultusministeriums 1999 und Finalisten des "Mies Van der Rohe Award 2003 - Barcelona" für das 'Palais de Tokyo' in Paris. Realisierte Projekte u.a. Haus Latapie in Floriac (1993), Haus in Lège, Cap Ferret (1998) und Bürogebäude in Nantes (2002). Veröffentlichungen u.a. "10x10: 10 Critics, 100 Architects", Phaidon, London 2000; "Modern House 2", Phaidon, London, 2000, "Verb, architecture boogazine", Actar, Barcelona, 2001. Wintersemester 03/04 Gastprofessur an der Technischen Universität Lausanne (EPFL).
Shrinking Cities - Reinventing Urbanism /// by Anne Lacaton (Januar 2004)
The de-densification and shrinkage phenomenom is a new situation, result of massive economical crashes,that has caused huge human damages. In spite of the low knowledge I have of this situation of shrinking cities, I understand that it is a very complicated and tricky situation. If I can imagine the implications on the urbanism and urban space, more difficult is to assess all the others implications and consequences that this situation causes on economy, social relationships, education, culture. All these dimensions are completely connected and must be considered absolutely linked in the research of ideas and new possibilities of solutions. It is in my opinion the major issue and the goal of this competition. I also expect that the thought, the research that has to be developped necessarely in this specific situation will be of benefit over the case of the skrinking cities in bringing new ideas and new attitudes applicable to situations of expanding cities. In a positive way to consider the situation I also think that this competition can become an opportunity to reinvent urbanism in general.